Our Story

Since 2017 our family has changed in many fundamental ways. We've lost parents and gained beautiful children. It has been a bitter-sweet few years.

When you are a new parent with elderly, sick parents of your own, you realise how precious time is and how quickly it goes. 

There is a sense of urgency. You take pictures and record videos to capture the happy, healthy moments because you know deep down, they are dwindling in number and are so so precious. 

We lost three parents in the space of three years. In reality, they barely got to know their new grandchildren so memories with them are few. 

The recordings of our parents are unspecific captured moments that we look upon from time to time and smile and sometimes cry. 

It is only after their passing that we've often thought that it would have been lovely to capture them reading to their new grandchildren. To really capture a moment in time that can have a specific place in our family. To keep their memory vibrant and to experience their love again through story.

This is why we created readforthem.com -- to have a place for us to record ourselves reading for our children so they can have those moments with us when we're not there. 

We want to share this ability, to create true timeless, meaningful memories with you.

We want to help you create these memories because it's important.


With love and respect,

John Paul & Gillian.


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